Is your kid often bugging you to sign them up for guitar, piano, or saxophone lessons? If you’re on the fence about whether or not your child should learn an instrument, consider these advantages.
Positive Outcomes for Children
Improves their School Performance
Music lessons have been linked to improvements in standardized test scores, high school grade point averages, reading comprehension, and arithmetic abilities. They are able to retain more information from all topics because of the positive effect music has on memory.
They become Smarter as a Result
It has been shown time and time again (as in this 2004 study by E. Glenn Schellenberg) that even a little exposure to music instruction may have a positive effect on a child’s intelligence. Brain imaging technology shows that practicing music stimulates more regions of the brain, leading to a net increase in volume.
This Helps Kids Learn Self-control
Despite your kid’s hopes of becoming the next big thing tomorrow, he may need to put in a lot of practice time before he even makes a sound on his instrument. Learning an instrument takes a lot of time and practice. When things are difficult, kids need to learn to keep going even when it’s hard. This is a lifelong ability.